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Mar 28, 2020 | Intentional Living

Following up on this past Monday’s post, “Engage Your Fear and Choose Where to Put Your Focus,” we take another step in navigating challenging times. The video below offers a 45-minute mini interactive workshop on our three intelligences and the power of choice, recorded especially to help you navigate this global pandemic.

The video was inspired by our free Global Connection Zoom Call this past Tuesday when we explored the same topic. After many call participants reached out to express thanks for that call, I decided to re-create it and make this mini-workshop available to all.

As you watch the video and engage in the exercises, take the time you need to explore at your own pace. It may be helpful to pause the recording occasionally to give yourself a bit more discovery or reflection time, and then resume when you are ready. Create whatever space is optimal for you to get the most out of this experience, including perhaps a few minutes at the end of the recording to reflect on your discoveries. Enjoy the video.