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Blog by Alan Seale. November 10, 2020 Transformational Presence

There is dual meaning for me in choosing Will Todd’s moving and uplifting anthem, “The Call of Wisdom,” with you this week. First, I share it as a reminder to me that my mother, Mary Dudley Seale (see related post), will continue to call out to me and bring me wisdom from the other side as she is no longer here with us physically. The refrain will not leave me. 

I am here, I am with you.
I have called, do you hear me?
I am here, I am here, I am with you.

Perhaps it will help you touch the spirit of someone you have lost as well. 

Second, I share this piece as a celebration of the election of Joe Biden as the next president of the United States. His election brings a sense of hope and healing, marking a return of compassion, wisdom, connection, hope, and wisdom to the American presidency. Already, as we might have expected, the transition from Trump to Biden is not going smoothly. All the more reason to lean into the presence invoked in these words and music.

My mother was a big supporter of Joe Biden. Up until a week before she died, she asked me every day if there were new polls and how he was doing in the election race. It was a beautiful synchronicity that the news that Biden had won the election broke just an hour before my mother slipped away. It was as if she waited to make sure he would get there! 

May the message of “The Call of Wisdom” be a reminder to our present and incoming leaders at all levels of government—a message to listen for the call of wisdom from within and from the Source of All to guide us forward. And may that message ring clearly within all of us as well. 

The performance below was a part of the 2012 Diamond Jubilee Service of Thanksgiving for the 60th anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth in London, England. It is performed by the choristers of St. Paul’s Cathedral and the boys of the Chapel Royal. 

The Call of Wisdom

Music by Will Todd, Words by Michael Hampel

The Call of Wisdom

Music by Will Todd, Words by Michael Hampel

Lord of wisdom, lord of truth, lord of justice, lord of mercy.
Walk beside us down the years, ’till we see you in your glory.

Striving to attain the heights.
Turning in a new direction.
Entering a lonely place.
Welcoming a friend or stranger.

I am here, I am with you.
I have called, do you hear me?
I am here, I am here, I am with you.

Silver is of passing worth (Silver), gold is not of constant value.
Jewels sparkle for a while.
What you long for is not lasting.

I am here, I am with you.
I have called, do you hear me?
I am here, I am here.
I am with you.

Rulers govern under me.
With my insight and my wisdom.
Those who know me know my love.
Those who seek me find their answer.

I am here, I am with you.
I have called, do you hear me?
I am here, I am here.
I am with you.

Source: Musixmatch