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Blog by Alan Seale, February 8, 2021, Transformational Presence

Just over a year ago, I wrote about my plans to transition out of leading the Transformational Presence signature programs and focus more on mentoring, coaching, writing, and speaking. Preparations were well underway for passing the torch of program leadership to a small group of graduates that I had been mentoring specifically for this role.

However, barely two months later, much of the world was suddenly placed on lockdown because of the coronavirus pandemic. In response, I created special support programs, including the Monday Meditations, and redesigned the signature programs for Zoom. All of the programs were incredibly well received and appreciated, and it felt good to be able to offer our work to the world in this way. 

Yet the idea of passing the torch for the leadership of the big programs was still very present in my heart and mind. And now, the time has come. 

This year I will lead the TPLCTPLASoul Mission, and The Manifestation Wheel courses for the last time. At the end of 2021, I will pass the torch to a new group of Transformational Presence Program Leaders from six countries who I have personally mentored over the last three years. They are Elina Akola (Finland), Jo Boniszewski (the Netherlands), Katarina Cars (Sweden), Marie Dancourt-Cavanagh (Belgium), Sander van Eekelen (the Netherlands), Paolo Morley-Fletcher (Italy), Vincent Sark, (the Netherlands), Caroline Veerman (the Netherlands), and Joanna Maria Zawada (Poland). 

The mentoring work we have done together has been an enormous gift to all of us, and we will continue to be in close contact as they take this work forward. Their open-enrollment Transformational Presence-based programs are included already on our website calendar as well as in the Upcoming Events section of this newsletter. We will continue to include their programs going forward. 

An Inner and Outer Process

My poem in last week’s article, “When You Know It’s Time,” captures well these last weeks of discernment. The process pulled me into a deep inner knowing that would not let go of me, no matter how much I tried to talk myself out of it. 

Words of the poet and philosopher David Whyte resonate within me as I ease further into my sage years, beautifully articulating my own current unfolding journey. 

The only choice we have as we mature
is how we inhabit our vulnerability,
how we become larger and more courageous
and more compassionate
through our intimacy with disappearance.

 – David Whyte (from Consolations)

It seems counter-intellectual that inhabiting our vulnerability could lead to becoming even larger and more courageous and more compassionate in our presence. Yet intuitively, I recognize that this is precisely what I am experiencing now. It’s a profound inner and outer process – going inside to live my outer life from an even deeper inner place. 

It could not be clearer to me that now is the time to step down and give space to those who will steward Transformational Presence in the coming years. I am becoming more intimate with disappearance from the public arena. While I am not yet ready to completely “disappear,” I know that my work will increasingly take me more and more “behind the scenes.” And that feels very good.  

Creating More Time for Mentoring, Coaching, and Writing 

As part of this transition, I have already opened my schedule to more one-on-one mentoring and coaching. The focus of this work with leaders, coaches, and people who want to make a difference, is, in part, about bringing their visions and dreams to life and making their contribution to the world. Yet even more importantly, it’s about who they are, why they are here, and how they are showing up. It’s about stepping even more fully into their gifts and talents. And it’s about expanding their capacities for awareness, compassion, and impactful action. In short, it’s about conscious leadership and service. It’s about helping them make the difference that they are here to make.       

For now, my mentoring and coaching work is on Zoom. My hope is that by early 2022 I can resume small-group intensive retreats as well, such as the “Enter the Silence” immersion program at Kantara in Costa Rica.  

I have begun work on another book and am eager for more time to write. I have also received several invitations for keynote speaking engagements in virtual conferences and events, and I look forward to more of those opportunities going forward.   

My Last Signature Programs

My last Manifestation Wheel workshop starts March 11th on Zoom and continues for eight Thursdays in 2-hour sessions. 

My last Transformational Presence Leadership in Action (TPLA) will be on Zoom May 17-21. 

Because registration for the upcoming Zoom Soul Mission is now closed, I may offer that program once more later in the year if there are requests.  

My final Transformational Presence Leadership and Coach Training (TPLC) is scheduled for September and October – 10 four-hour Zoom sessions spread over six weeks. Early registration for this program is recommended. 

Special Thanks to Gabriella van Rooij

I cannot close without expressing enormous gratitude and love to Gabriella van Rooij in the Netherlands. Her deep devotion and tireless commitment to Transformational Presence and the beautiful friendship that has developed between us over the years has been one of the great gifts of my life. 

Without Gabriella and the Seale Foundation, this work would not have taken root and spread throughout Europe and beyond the way that it has. Since 2006, she has stood beside me and supported the global Transformational Presence community beyond measure. She has joined me in the U.S., Belgium, Spain, Poland, Romania, the UK, and Sweden to support our program participants. Even as I now step back from leading the signature programs, Gabriella and I together will continue to support the new Transformational Presence Program Leaders as well as members of the Transformational Presence global community as they carry this work forward. 

And so, onward!  

If one of the signature programs calls out to you in the coming months, I look forward to meeting you there. Going forward, I will continue to lead the Monday Meditations, the monthly Transformational Presence Graduate Community Calls, as well as continue to be involved in the Transformational Presence global community. I look forward already to the new opportunities and gifts that are waiting!