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Blog Alan Seale, Jun 24, 2019 | Intentional Living

To every thing there is a season, and for me, July and August is a season for rest, rejuvenation, inspiration, and new creation. Therefore, the next post on this blog will appear on Monday, September 2nd. Until then, may this season bring you experiences that delight your soul and feed your spirit.

TV2 Denmark is on a mission to bring people together. Over the last couple of years, they have produced short videos that simply yet elegantly connect people’s stories. They show us that we have more in common with each other and are more connected than we realize. The videos are funny, beautiful, and touching. And they make their point in about three minutes. You can click on the image below to watch the most recent one.

Sandra Peeters from Belgium shared this latest video with me during the TPLM (Transformational Presence Leadership and Facilitation Mentoring Program) in the Netherlands in May. Each time I watch, almost immediately I start to smile. Then I laugh, and then tears come to my eyes as the unexpected yet undeniable connections between human hearts become palpable. The participants in the video are clearly surprised at what unfolds.

When Sandra shared this video with me, my first thought was that it could be a perfect gift to leave with you as I begin my summer sabbatical. So I have an invitation for you.

First, watch the three-minute video. Then, until we come back together in September, whether you are out in your neighborhood or traveling further afield, look at everyone and everything around you through a lens of connection.

What if, everywhere you go, you assume that you have something in common or something that connects you with the people you see, the places you visit, the situations you encounter? The connections may not be obvious, yet what if they are there?

Of course, initially, you may not know which people, places or situations hold the hidden connections. The invitation is to let yourself be touched by an encounter with someone you don’t know. Be curious; open your heart and mind. Set the intention that with some of the people you meet, stories will emerge and common ground will be revealed. See how your world expands when you look at everything and everyone as if your stories might be connected in some way.

Until September, I wish you beautiful connections, surprising adventures, great new discoveries, and magical moments in time!